Against All Odds

Apr 21, 2024    Pastor Michael Larson

In the quiet solitude of Midian's desert, Moses found himself tending sheep, far removed from the grandeur of his former life. Yet, it was in this seemingly ordinary moment that God chose to reveal Himself in a fresh and powerful way. In the midst of the wilderness, Moses encountered the divine presence, and his life was forever changed.

Despite his past failures and shortcomings, God saw potential in Moses and called him to a greater purpose. Through humility and surrender, Moses allowed God to mold him into a vessel for His divine plan. Against all odds, this once reluctant shepherd became the liberator of his people, leading them out of bondage and into the promised land. Moses' journey serves as a poignant reminder that no circumstance is beyond God's redemption, and that those who humbly yield to His will can defy even the greatest of odds.