Women in the New Testament

Jun 23, 2024    Pastor Linda Larson

The women in the New Testament, like Mary and Martha, the woman at the well, and the woman who washed Jesus' feet, remind us of the power of forgiveness and transformation. Each of them encountered Jesus, were forgiven, and boldly proclaimed, "Come and see the one who set me free!" Their stories inspire us to defy the odds and share the freedom found in Christ.

 *  Mary, who sat at his feet to hear the Word of the Lord, when women were not allowed to do so.


Martha, who was set free from the cares of this world, and Jesus asked to sit and listen.


The prostitute who went in to a religious leader's home and washed Jesus' feet in expensive perfume and waw for given.


The woman at the well who was forgiven, and she ran and brought the town out to meet the Messiah.

All were forgiven, and all proclaimed - come and see the one who set me free.