Memorial Day Sunday

May 28, 2023    Pastor Michael Larson

We remember all those who sacrificed their lives… They paid the ultimate price. We honor them and are forever grateful.

There are two words we hear quite often on Memorial Day.


1.   Remember

2.   Sacrifice

It’s so important to remember…


Maybe Jesus knew that we would have a tendency to forget. That we might get more caught up in a three-day weekend, with barbecues, celebrations or ceremonies and forget, not only the deaths of our service men and women, but the death of Himself on the cross.


So, he gave us a very fitting memorial – the Lord’s supper.


The bread represents his body and the juice of a grape represents His blood.


Today, we remember… We also remember the sacrifice of Jesus, and what he did for us on the cross.

TDC would also like to thank our veterans - Kevin, Steve and Steven for sharing what Memorial Day means to them.