The Heart - Beat of Heaven

Aug 4, 2024    Pastor Linda Larson


Welcome to today's message, where we explore the powerful importance of our hearts to God. Have you ever wondered why God chose the heart over the lungs or the brain? It's all about the blood. The heart pumps life-giving blood to the entire body, and just as our physical life depends on oxygenated blood, our spiritual life depends on the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ.

In this video, we'll dive into:

* The Heart as the Center of Life: Understanding why God focuses on the heart and its crucial role in both our physical and spiritual existence.

* God’s Love Poured into Our Hearts: How God pours His love into our hearts, and how we, in turn, pour out our hearts into His love.

* Jesus, the Great Physician: Discover how Jesus, our healer, examines and listens to our hearts, bringing transformation and healing.

* The Power of a Changed Heart: When your heart changes, your entire life changes. Learn how a heart transformed by God's love leads to offering up our bodies as living sacrifices, making our whole life a spiritual act of worship that displays the worth of Christ above the worth of this world.

Join us as we explore these deep truths and understand how a heart aligned with God’s love can lead to a life that truly reflects His glory. When you have a heart change, everything changes. Your life becomes a testament to the transformative power of God's love.