Chain of Bitterness

May 14, 2023    Pastor Michael Larson

You can be bitter or better... What do you choose? The Biblical Counseling Center says the heart of bitterness is - unresolved, unforgiven anger and resentment. Anger, if it stays long enough turns into bitterness.

Seven signs that you have bitterness…


1. You have imaginary conversations

2. You replay a conversation or experience over and over in your head

3. You feel the need to tell someone what he/she did 

4. You are easily offended by this person

5. You have strong negative emotional reactions to things they say and do around you 

6. You can remember details of things he/she said from months or years ago

7. You are keeping a list of offenses

We can’t let moments become mindsets. Bitterness can become an unhealthy mindset.