Know The Strategies

Sep 24, 2023    Pastor Michael Larson

We live in critical times! We live in a world where evil is in our face. Where is the church? What are we doing to stop the devil? As Christians, we need to know the strategies of the enemy. You can bet the devil has a strategy to take as many to hell with him, as he can. To fail to plan, is to plan to fail. We have to understand the enemies strategies and overcome them.

In one of greatest battles in the Bible, the Philistines declared war on God's people. They camped in Judah (praise). Then began to taunt God's people. We still have "Philistines" in our land today, taunting God's people.

Like David, we have to say enough is enough and go after the "giants" in our land. Be bold and courageous! Now is the Time!